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<MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT> An 'End Cretaceous Climate Crisis': Geological lessons for COP26

An 'End Cretaceous Climate Crisis': Geological lessons for COP26 is a short scientific outreach video which highlights the consequences of a high CO2 warmer world using evidence from the geological past.

During COP26, the leaders of the world will gather in Glasgow to agree to accelerate global action to limit global warming to +1.5°C, but what would the consequences be if we allowed the world to warm by +2°C, +3°C, or as much as +4°C as some extreme emission scenarios predict?

This video summaries the work I undertook during my Masters by Research project at the University of Edinburgh and highlights the geological lessons we can take from an 'End Cretaceous Climate Crisis' some ~66 million years ago...

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Kind Regards

Matthew Staitis.

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