<NEW MEDIA CONTENT - Post COP26 Agreement>
The series of talks which I did on my MScR project this year are now available to view on my YouTube channel With the agreed...

<MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT> An 'End Cretaceous Climate Crisis': Geological lessons for COP26
An 'End Cretaceous Climate Crisis': Geological lessons for COP26 is a short scientific outreach video which highlights the consequences...

I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking about my current research at the *virtual Geologists' Association Student Symposium...

MEDIA UPDATE - New videos uploaded
These latest videos (see left) on the application of stable isotopes in reconstructing fossil ecosystems are now available to view on my...

Movies, microtectites and microscope work - lockdown lab update 2021
Figure 1. With the planet-killing comet action/disaster movie, Greenland (2020) now arriving on Amazon Prime - the first week of February...

MEDIA UPDATE - New YouTube channel launched
The new YouTube channel (Matthew Staitis) will serve as a new platform for uploading videos on my talks, presentations and scientific...

Update to the 'My Research' page
Figure from my first publication: The Applications of Palaeontology in the Contemporary World: A Case Study of Fossil Sea Shells (see...

On Tuesday 10th November 2020, I was able to travel to the St Andrews Isotope Geochemistry (STAiG) labs to begin my first day of...

Literature Review Highlights: What was the role of Deccan Trap volcanism in K/Pg mass extinction?
For the last decade, it has been hotly contested within the scientific community whether the collision of a ~10 km wide asteroid (the...

Fossil fish coprolite discoveries on Wardie fossil hunt
Figure 1. On the afternoon of Wednesday 23rd September, I took part in a socially distanced fossil hunt to Wardie shore SSSI, Edinburgh...