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I am a geoscientist that utilises litho-, bio-, and chemostratigraphy to identify and investigate the biotic and environmental changes associated with past climate events in the geological record. My research specialises in the application of foraminiferal micropaleontology and geochemistry to better resolve early Cenozoic abrupt warming events known as ‘hyperthermals’. My PhD is based within the School of Environmental Sciences and the Stable Isotope Laboratory (ENVSIL) at the University of East Anglia, under the supervision of Dr Mark Chapman, Dr Nikolai Pedentchouk, Prof Paul Dennis, and Dr Alina Marca.


I graduated with a BSc Honours in Geology from the University of Glasgow, before undertaking a MScR Palaeontology and Geobiology at the University of Edinburgh. While there, I worked between School of GeoSciences and University of St Andrews Isotope Geochemistry (STAiG) lab under the supervision of Prof Dick Kroon and Dr James Barnet. I received specialist training in petrophysics and downhole logging, through my participation in the 5th ECORD Summer School: Downhole-Logging for IODP Science. I am affiliated with The Geological Society of London (GSL), The Micropalaeontological Society (TMS) and the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS). I am also a Web & Social Media officer for the UK Paleoclimate Society.



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2022 - Current

University of East Anglia 

Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, School of Environmental Sciences


2020 - 2021

University of Edinburgh

MSc by Research Palaeontology and Geobiology


2016 - 2020

University of Glasgow

BSc Honours in Geology


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